CSR vs. SSR vs. SSG: Choosing the Right Rendering Strategy for Your Website
CSR vs. SSR vs. SSG: Choosing the Right Rendering Strategy for Your Website
CSR vs. SSR vs. SSG: Choosing the Right Rendering Strategy for Your Website

CSR vs. SSR vs. SSG: Choosing the Right Rendering Strategy for Your Website

CSR vs. SSR vs. SSG: Choosing the Right Rendering Strategy for Your Website

CSR builds pages in the browser for fast interactions but slower initial loads. SSR renders HTML on the server for better SEO and quicker first loads, but increases server load. SSG pre-renders pages for fast loading and great SEO but is less dynamic for updates.

CSR builds pages in the browser for fast interactions but slower initial loads. SSR renders HTML on the server for better SEO and quicker first loads, but increases server load. SSG pre-renders pages for fast loading and great SEO but is less dynamic for updates.

Sep 27, 2024


Sep 27, 2024


Sep 27, 2024


When building a web application, one critical decision developers face is selecting the right rendering strategy. This choice impacts everything from search engine optimization (SEO) to user experience. In this blog, we’ll dive into the nuances of Client-Side Rendering (CSR), Server-Side Rendering (SSR), and Static Site Generation (SSG), helping you understand which method suits your needs best.

The Impact of Rendering on Your Website

Why does this matter? Because how fast and smoothly your website renders can make or break your audience's experience. A fast, well-rendered page keeps visitors happy, while a slow one will have them clicking away in frustration. On top of that, search engines like Google reward fast websites with better rankings, which means more people can discover your content. Studies show that 92% of traffic goes to sites listed in the top results, so speed isn’t just about convenience—it’s about visibility.

But how do we measure "speed"? This is where key performance metrics come into play. Let’s break them down before diving into the different type of rendering methods.

Time to First Byte (TTFB)

This is the time it takes for the server to respond when you first request a web page. Think of it as the time between when you ring the doorbell (requesting the page) and when someone opens the door (the server responds).

First Paint (FP)

The moment something—anything—starts to appear on the screen. Imagine you’re waiting for an image to load, and you finally see the first pixel. That's FP.

First Contentful Paint (FCP)

This is when actual content (like text or images) becomes visible. It’s like the moment when, after staring at a blank screen, you finally see meaningful information pop up.

Time to Interactive (TTI)

This is when your website becomes fully usable. So, you can now click on buttons, scroll through content, and interact with it without any delay.

Why are these metrics important? Because they directly impact how your users feel when they visit your site. Faster load times—whether it’s content appearing quickly (FCP) or the page being fully usable (TTI)—create a seamless experience.

Different ways of rendering can affect these metrics in different ways. Some methods might make a page load faster initially, but it might take longer for the page to become fully usable. Others might take a bit longer upfront but provide a smoother experience overall.

Different Rendering Modes: CSR vs. SSR vs. SSG

The three primary rendering strategies—Client-Side Rendering (CSR), Server-Side Rendering (SSR), and Static Site Generation (SSG)—all have different implications on how your application behaves under the hood. Let’s break them down to understand the trade-offs and internal workings of each.

1. Client-Side Rendering (CSR)

Client-Side Rendering (CSR) is the rendering approach where the bulk of the rendering process happens entirely in the browser, using JavaScript. The server returns a minimal HTML document, often just a shell containing a <div id="root"></div>, and the client (i.e., the browser) downloads JavaScript bundles that are responsible for building the rest of the page’s content.

How It Works

  1. The client sends a request to the server.

  2. The server responds with a mostly empty HTML document, typically including references to JavaScript files.

  3. The browser downloads, parses, and executes the JavaScript, which fetches any required data and renders the page.

This architecture offloads the work of rendering to the client, reducing the load on the server. However, the downside is that the user has to wait for the JavaScript to download and execute before they see meaningful content—potentially leading to slower first paint times.


  • Fast interactivity after initial load: Once the JavaScript is fully loaded and executed, interactions (like clicks and state updates) happen entirely in the browser without additional server calls, making the application feel responsive.

  • Reduced server load: The server doesn’t need to re-render pages for each request, making it more scalable for applications with many users.

  • Rich client-side functionality: CSR is ideal for Single Page Applications (SPAs) where you need dynamic content, real-time updates, and complex user interactions.


  • Poor SEO by default: Since most content is rendered dynamically, search engine crawlers may struggle to index your page content unless you're using techniques like Server-Side Rendering (SSR) fallback or prerendering.

  • Longer initial load time: The first-page load can be slow because the browser must download and execute the entire JavaScript bundle before rendering any content.

  • Device-dependent performance: CSR shifts the rendering burden to the client, which means slower devices or poor network conditions can degrade the experience.

Use Cases:

  • SPAs like dashboards or web apps where interactivity and state updates occur client-side.

Social media apps with dynamic content that changes frequently without needing full-page reloads.

2. Server-Side Rendering (SSR)

Server-Side Rendering (SSR) addresses some of the challenges of CSR by rendering the entire HTML on the server before sending it to the client. This approach ensures that the user receives a fully rendered page on the first load, improving perceived performance and SEO.

How It Works

  1. The client sends a request to the server.

  2. The server generates the full HTML for the requested page on-demand, including the data needed to render it.

  3. The browser receives a fully rendered page and displays it almost immediately, while JavaScript hydration happens in the background to make the page interactive.

SSR minimizes the time to the first meaningful paint, but because HTML is generated dynamically on each request, it increases the load on the server. Additionally, SSR often involves "hydration," where the client-side JavaScript reattaches event listeners and updates the page’s state, which can sometimes introduce a delay in interactivity.


  • Improved SEO: Search engines can crawl and index fully rendered HTML, making SSR a great choice for SEO-heavy websites.

  • Faster perceived performance: Users see a fully rendered page sooner since the server does all the heavy lifting before sending the content.

  • Predictable performance: By relying on server resources, SSR reduces performance inconsistencies caused by client-side factors.


  • Increased server load: Every request requires the server to fully render the page, including fetching data, running templating logic, and delivering the HTML. This can slow down under heavy traffic.

  • Slower navigation between pages: Since each new page request involves a round trip to the server, transitioning between pages may feel slower than in CSR or SSG-based applications.

  • Complex state management: Synchronizing state between the server and client can introduce complexity, especially in applications where real-time data is involved.

Use Cases:

  • Content-heavy sites like news websites or blogs where SEO and fast initial loads are critical.

  • E-commerce sites where product pages need to be indexed by search engines and provide a good user experience on the first visit.

3. Static Site Generation (SSG)

Static Site Generation (SSG) is a build-time rendering approach where HTML pages are pre-rendered at build time and served as static files. This eliminates the need for server-side processing during runtime and leads to incredibly fast load times since static files are delivered directly from a Content Delivery Network (CDN) or web server.

How It Works

  1. During the build process, the server pre-generates HTML pages for all possible routes and URLs based on the content available at that time.

  2. When a user requests a page, the server delivers the pre-built static HTML file from the CDN or web server.

  3. Dynamic functionality, if any, is added via JavaScript after the page loads (similar to hydration in SSR).

SSG is incredibly efficient for websites where content doesn’t change frequently. It combines the best of both worlds: fast load times and good SEO performance, but it doesn’t handle frequently updated or dynamic content well unless paired with techniques like Incremental Static Regeneration (ISR).


  • Blazing fast performance: Pre-rendered HTML files are served instantly from the CDN or web server, resulting in near-instant load times.

  • Strong SEO: Like SSR, fully rendered HTML is delivered to search engine crawlers, making it easy to index.

  • Reduced server costs: Since HTML is pre-built and static, there’s minimal load on the server, making it highly scalable.


  • Rebuild required for updates: If the content on your site changes frequently, you’ll need to trigger a rebuild and redeploy the site, which can be inefficient for larger sites.

  • Limited dynamic content: Real-time data and highly dynamic content aren’t well-suited for SSG without additional strategies like client-side fetching or ISR.

  • Longer build times: As the number of pages or the complexity of your site grows, build times increase, potentially slowing down the development process.

Use Cases:

  • Blogs and documentation sites where content doesn’t change often, but performance and SEO are critical.

  • Marketing pages that need fast load times, excellent SEO, and don’t require frequent updates.


In summary, each rendering approach—CSR, SSR, and SSG—offers unique advantages depending on the specific needs of your project. CSR provides rich interactivity for client-side apps, SSR ensures quick initial load times and better SEO, while SSG delivers lightning-fast performance and scalability. The decision comes down to the trade-offs between server load, SEO, and interactivity that suit your application’s requirements.

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